Upcoming Events

Day of Prayer

The 1st Wednesday of every month. Sign up in the Fellowship Center.

Ministry Fair - Sunday, February 23rd

Are you looking for a place to serve? The ministry fair will have tables of those ministries needing support. This event will be between services in the Fellowship Center.

Women's Luncheon

February 28th, 12-2pm. Potluck event. Guest Speaker, Cheryl Holmquist, "A Living Sacrifice."

Pima Council on Aging

End of Life Planning: What You Need to Know, Friday, March 7th at 11AM.

Global Partner Weekend

Our Annual Global Partner weekend will be Friday, March 7th - Sunday, March 9th.

Southern AZ Men's Conference - March 22nd, 8:30-3:30PM -

Erwin Lutzer will be teaching on trials and temptations in this annual Men's Conference, sponsored by EFree Church of Green Valley.

Annual Women's Renewal

Our Annual Women's Renewal will be Friday, March 21st at 5:15PM and Saturday, March 22nd, from 9am-1:45PM.